Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hello from S - T - G!

Hey Everyone!
I promised mom (back in October) that I would contribute to our blog and so here I am posting a small blurb from St. George. (Even though she hasn't added anything to the blog yet, either)
Well as most have you have probably already heard, I have moved on to a new and different "career" (SURPRISE, SURPRISE) I am working at Riverside Business Insurance and loving it. I will be working on getting my insurance license eventually, for now I'm just doing all work w/out the comission. :D
I have one class I'm taking at Dixie (soon to be University of Utah Dixie Campus, but that's a whole other can of worms), and will be graduating (Finally) with my associates of science on May 2nd. Well, that is assuming I pass my math class, and that's always a struggle for me. So far though things are looking good. If any of you need an excuse to visit good old St. George in May you are all of course invited to my graduation.
Welp, that pretty much sums up all the goings on in my life as of right now. I sure love and miss every single one of you!