Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thanksgiving Love

Here are some fun pictures from the past. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Just a little reminder of the guy that we all love so much. Thanksgiving always makes me think of him. It was such a special holiday. I am so grateful for the family that we have. We are so blessed to have such a great legacy and so much love to share among us. I hope that each one of you has a great Thanksgiving. Don't eat more than your share of Turkey and Dressing! But be sure and eat more pie than you can handle. I love you all so much. Thanks so much for everything that you do for me.


John, Amanda and boyz said...

I love you so much. Thanksgiving will always be a reminder of such wonderful times. Cooking together, quail hunting for the boys, and of course stuffing ourselves! Those were great times. So glad that we have each other and opportunities for more memories. I always miss you guys at Thanksgiving time--it seemed as if it was "our family" holiday. I don't know if that made sense. And don't worry, I always seem to stuff myself full of the sweet stuff. Isn't that tradition. :)

The Jensen Bunch said...

Gram-I ditto what Amanda said and just want you to know that I love you so much and am looking foreward to seeing you at Christmas! I too think so much of Grandpa on Thanksgiving! He definetely has left a great legacy! Happy Thanksgiving!

Grandma O said...

Sorry, I can't get the pictures to work out. I guess I need Tiera to help me on that project.

Love you guys! Thanks for the comments, they mean so much to me.